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Question & Answers - 4 - Why can I not feel the God within

Q4a: If God is within why do I not feel the presence? Q4b: I can feel that there is more to me than the body, mind, intellect, but...

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Prerequisites are important - Yavakri - 1

     The Rishis opine, to remain fixated on Brahman, the Supreme SELF, is the ultimate goal of human existence. The Rishis of the yore recommended aligning our lives with Dharma to facilitate the eventual ascent of the human mind. The world of samsara doesn’t make this easy. The dense forest of this samsara is filled with too many traps for the senses. As the mind and the senses dwell on the objects (be it external or a mere internal notion), it gets entangled. More the entanglement, more the changes in the gunakarma of the individual and more it sinks into the samsaric quicksand. This need felt by the Jiva, the individualized Self, for these objects, for feeling fulfilled or more complete, is called Desire. This desire morphs into all the other human emotions from happiness to sadness, greed to jealousy and anger to hate. One such modification is the stubbornness to attain an object of attention at any cost. Any compromise appears to be worth, as there is no understanding or care for the consequences. We realized, in Boons or Curses article, that such individuals even abandon the crucial gunakarma change required to hold on to these fruits of their sadhana as boons and eventually hurt themselves. The asuric mind is more keen to tap into the fruits of the sadhana than to maintain the right gunakarma balance for its application or realize the outcome.

    Typically for doing any action there are prerequisites. Even for a simple act of burning, one needs a heat source, oxygen and fuel to combust. In the same way one needs good school education before aspiring for college. But the mind intent on attaining a desire can compromise these requirements. In Boon or curse, we realized that merely having the fruits of sadhana doesn’t provide endless protection from the misapplication without an underlying gunakarma change. In this article, we are going to understand that without having a foundational grasp of the prerequisites, one doesn’t have the proper gunakarma framework to hold knowledge.


    The Mahabharata contains so much wisdom that it is referred as the fifth Veda itself. While there are many instructional texts like the Bhagavad Gita, Sanatsujatiya, Viduraniti within it, amongst others, the large portion of easy to digest wisdom is available in the form of stories. The entire multi-generational story of Mahabharata contains innumerable stories narrated by Bhishma in Shanti and Anushasana Parva, by numerous rishis like Markandeya and Lomasa in Vana Parva. These stories are highly thematic and help us grasp one or two highlighted nuggets of wisdom for easy assimilation and application. This story is narrated by Lomasa Maharishi to uplift the spirits of the Pandavas, who were mired at their own inabilities and problems. Lomasa was leading the Pandavas through various pilgrimage places.

    As they arrived near the river Samanga, he pointed out the place where Indra did his ablutions and penance to overcome the Brahmahathi dosha of killing Vritasura. He pointed out to the Kanakhala range of mountains where many rishis of the yore did awesome tapas. Lomasa indicated to the nearby ashrama where Raivya, where Bharadwaja Rishi’s son, Yavakri with profound mastery of the Vedas had perished. Yudhishtra piqued by the tidbits wanted to know the complete details.

    Bharadwaja and Raivya were great friends. Yavakri was the lone son of Bharadwaja, while the latter had two sons – Paravasu and Arvavasu. Bharadwaja confined himself to the path of tapasya while Raivya was a renowned Vedic scholar. Yavakri was saddened to observe that the society tended to celebrate Raivya and his sons for their knowledge and ignored his father’s feats. In his understanding, it was the knowledge of the Vedas that differentiated them. Determined to master the Vedas, Yavakri undertook extreme austerities like doing penance midst fire on all sides. Indra, thus being invoked, inquired the purpose. Yavakri wanted to attain Vedas that were not even in the grasp of the Brahmanas. He requested that using his austerities he would like to attain all the Vedas. Indra suggested that such knowledge comes only over a long period, studying under a competent Guru. Indra urged Yavakri to stop this futility and recommended to start his quest immediately, through hard work and Guru’s grace. Vedas will be useless to him and his father, as they have not performed the prerequisites. Indra wondered why the Brahmana was bent on destroying himself and the goal is easily attained at the feet of a preceptor.

    Yavakri resumed even greater austerities that made Indra revisit the resolute. Indra told even if the knowledge of the Vedas are manifest, it will do him no good, as his exertions and actions are not grounded. The determined Yavakri was committed to increasing the austerities at all costs. He challenged Devendra that even if he has to cut his limbs as sacrifice, he will proceed.

    Baffled, the sagacious Indra hit on a plan. He disguised himself as a frail, old Brahmana and positioned himself where Yavakri usually took his bath before austerities. He started taking small fistfuls of sand and threw into the fast flowing currents of Ganga. The futility caught the attention of Yavakri and enquired about his actions. Indra waxed at his grand plans to tame the Ganga with his sand bridge. Yavakri tried to reason at the uselessness of such an endeavor. Indra returned favor by questioning Yavakri’s attempts to master the Vedas without studying. Yavakri realized it was Indra and asked him to grant him boons that can make him excel others and that will be practicable.

    Indra told that the knowledge of the Vedas will appear to him and his father. Interestingly, he also granted Yavakri that all his desires will be fulfilled. The satisfied Yavakri informed his father of these wondrous boons. Bharadwaja warned that these stubborn boons do not have to foundational gunakarma and will lead to ahamkara. Manifesting desires without proper dharmic validation will result in pride leading to assured destruction.

Bharadwaja’s insights on ahamkara: To educate Yavakri on the perils of Ahamkara, the ego centered selfish arrogance of believing the limited self actions as superior than others, he narrated a story. There once existed a powerful rishi, Valadhi. Disturbed greatly at the loss of his son, he engaged himself with severe penances, so he can be blessed with an immortal child. The pleased Devas informed the Rishi that no human being can be immortal. However, based on the Rishi’s choice, the life of the son can be tied to the existence of any object. So the Rishi chose a mountain, as his son can have a long life and thus obtained a son, named Medhavi. The boy grew up haughty and abused the other rishis owing to the power of his boon.

    Specializing in violations, Medhavi, reached Rishi Dhanushaksha and extended his usual maltreatment. Enraged the Rishi cursed him to be reduced to ashed, but found him cocky and unhurt. Realizing his boon, Dhanushaksha understood that the mountains as the instrumental cause for his life. He shattered the mountain by morphing as a buffalo, which led to the boy’s death. Bharadwaja cautioned that if one is puffed up due to the power of boons, it only hastens their fall. Bharadwaja cautioned that Raivya and his sons were powerful Rishis due to their sadhana. He must stay away from them, lest he does some accidental unintentional blunder that may arouse their anger.

Practical Applications:

End cannot justify the means: In today’s world the end justifies the means. Unfortunately this is farthest from the truth. The journey is as important as the destination. The journey molds the character in a unique way that makes us qualify for the results. If a shortcut/stratagem is deployed or sufficient sadhana is not undertaken as the results materialize, then the results will bear more than fruitful seeds. One must be extremely careful with such an outcome. In Boon or Curse, we saw that even the best boons can work in exactly opposite ways, as the end remained in the cross hair of such a sadhana and not the means.

Listen to the advice given: Lomasa and Yudhishtra, along with Indra and Bharadwaja have done so much foreboding of the story that we already know about Yavakri’s imminent destruction. Lomasa is eagerly recounting numerous stories for the benefit of Yudhishtra who needs not only a shield from great sorrow and misery he had put his brothers and wife, but also a sword to cut through it. He represents an eager qualified student, who is anxious to implement the advice given to him by the Rishis. On the other hand, Yavakri is bent on getting his boons at any cost. Yavakri fails to listen to the repeated advice of Indra and merely corners him to extract his boon. Indra cleverly sets a trap by giving Yavakri an additional blessing of the fruition of all his desires. Since Yavakri never listened to Indra and subsequently his father, he merely activates the trap.

Comparison cannot be the foundation of progress: Yavakri did not want the knowledge of Vedas to attain Atma Jnana nor did he want it for any other noble cause. It was a myopic reason based on raging jealousy and comparison. Despite all the austerities he did, he never overcame this overwhelming stain on his character. This made all the sadhana and its phala misdirected. The more Indra tried to make sense, the more Yavakri misunderstood it as a test. It only reinvigorated his resolve but not his clarity or intellect.

    Sometimes in New ageism, such an emotion is celebrated as an inspiration. But if one were to study carefully the idea of comparison is rooted in Object referral, an idea that the object of desire is more important than the Self. Thus constant comparison only accelerates our character fall and eventually us. Drawing inspiration is a process of digging deep into oneself and challenging against the background of another success. It doesn’t involve envy.


GunaKarma change through self-effort: Raivya, Paravasu, Arvavasu and even Bharadwaja were practicing different sadhana but were unified by an underlying Gunakarma change. This not only prepared their minds for the Sadhana but also provided them the prerequisites for the next phase. Yavakri’s fault was to repeatedly ignore Indra’s advice that what can be obtained by long arduous studenthood was merely replaced by brute tapasya. Recall the incident where Aswattama pleads with Krishna to yield his Chakarayudha. Krishna placed it in front and asked him to take it. Aswattama despite numerous attempts could not even move it, let alone use. Also recall how Duryodhana borrows the kavacha of Drona only to be beaten thoroughly by Arjuna.

    Having the prerequisites is called Adhikara. Only an Adhikari can maximize the results or in many cases hold on to the fruits of the results. So the prudent path will be to do more efforts to have this gunakarma which will give us the qualifications to pursue on the chosen path.

What prerequisites should we aim for? While there may be a lot more lessons in Yavakri’s story, it makes us ponder on what pre-qualifications we need. Was Indra merely testing Yavakri or was he seriously guiding him? The repeatedly pleas of Indra was to protect Yavakri from himself. If we were to avoid Yavakri’s blunder, we can take refuge in the wisdom of this Hitopadesha - विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् । पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥ vidyA dadAti vinayaM, vinayAdyAti pAtratAM | pAtratvAddhanamApnoti, dhanAddharmaM tataH sukhaM ||. It means that Knowledge must result in humility; humility yields worthiness. Worthiness (of character, behavior) yields wealth and Wealth ensures Dharma and happiness. The progression of knowledge can be gauged by its destination.

  Yavakri was driven by jealousy and was overzealous to attain knowledge at all costs. Definitely as the foundation itself was wrong, it certainly cannot yield humility as the outcome. Indra was desperately trying to guide Yavakri that a protracted study at the feet of a competent Guru would iron out the kinks in Yavakri’s character and it would have made him an ideal person to learn the Vedas. The message for us is loud and clear. While the spiritual Sadhaka of today is interested only in shortcuts, quick techniques and unusual methods that work only for a chosen few, the time must be spent on earning and fine-tuning our prequalifications. Instead of trying to promote oneself as a great devotee through optics, we can instead focus on the inner basics. The same is true for Yoga, Dhyana or Jnana. There is no need to seek an external validation, but the Ahamkara driven modern sadhaka ends up mistaking the cover for the contents.

  Whichever pathway we may follow on account of our Gunakarma, we need to ensure that we give importance to the prerequisites, so our footing and progress is on firm grounding. This way we need not have to waste time by repeatedly relearning the same basics. We will have to read the concluding part of this wonderful story to glean all the awesome messages that can transform our journey to gain knowledge – worldly or spiritual.

(Concluded in the next)

तत् सत

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ramayana in our daily life - DHARMA

     Living in modern times, with only sickular education, the ideals of Itihasapuranas get blurred into a faint distant echo of a glorious past. Today we are driven by consumerism and materialism, in other words Kama centric. The average person around the world believes that spending on unnecessary objects of pleasure will yield him more pleasure. This idea is rooted in Desire, an idea of the limited ahamkara realizing it has more potential than what it perceives and wants to expand by incorporating other objects. Though the Subject tries to grab as many Objects, there is a distinct difference that gets maintained. Besides, there is a lingering urge to continue on this path incessantly as there is a realization that the procured object did not yield permanent pleasure.

    This eternally growing never quenching fire of desire is beautifully explained through the story of Yayati (Read Lessons from YayatiPrelude, Endless desires, Renunciation, Swarga, Wisdom conversations 1, Wisdom conversations 2 and Satsangha). Desire leaves its trail as Vasanas and morphs into all the emotions arising from it. This is the story of every human being driven by Kama. Based on the popular prevalence, we find Kama as a primary driver and the need for Artha to support our endless quest as the secondary. The ideals of Dharma and Moksha are now relegated as unnecessary in the so called modern mind. In this model, there is perpetual anxiety, violence, darkness, greed that dominate the human society. Is this what an ideal life is? Valmiki Ramayana comes to the rescue with not only a better model but also a live example of a perfect role model – Rama.

Understanding Ramayana: One must realize that Itihasapuranas like Ramayana, Mahabharata are not limited to space time. Their application is dependent only on the limitation of the Sadhaka. While we don’t have the latitude to misinterpret, we definitely are granted certain freedom for our personal emancipation, as a Bhakta, as a Sadhaka or even as a Jnani. Certainly we cannot abuse this privilege.

    Reading Ramayana literally like a story one feels it no different than Shakespearean works or Harry Potter. If so, what a travesty and dishonor. On the other hand, the pendulums swings too hard to the other extreme when we are merely looking at it ritually and not spiritually. Before one attempts to connect Rama as Avatara, Bhagawan or Brahmam, the modern mind can benefit by building a connection with Rama’s human dimension replete with high standards. This is critical as it helps us to overcome our own character and persona foibles while preparing our mind to rise above. Going past the ideal character of Rama as a wonderful warrior, ideal son, husband, perfect human etc, one starts grasping the subtle dimension of Dharma. This discussion is to that effect.

Ramayana under a dharma lens: In an earlier article, we understood the different ideal aspirations of a human mind with their possible zenith as Purusharathas – Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha. Numerous commentators and acharyas have read into the different events or characters of Ramayana. Here is one such wondrous insight, but we will travel with this idea bit deeper. Rama is visualized as Dharma, Bharata as Moksha, Lakshmana as Artha and Shatrughna as Kama. While most commentators have left the reader/audience to explore further, we will traverse this path a bit deeper based on their guidance and wisdom.

    Dasaratha represents the master of pancha jnanedriyas and pancha karmendriyas and as a King of Ayodhya, where no dualities exist to trouble the Jivas. When a Putrakameshti Yaga was performed a pot of Payasa was generated. Dasaratha gave his three queens, representative of the three gunasSattva, Rajas and Tamas the Payasam to procreate four children representative of the Purusharthas.

    Sita represents the Jiva or Prajna (Consciousness). Having chosen to go to the forest of Samsara, she is quite content with the proceeds of Dharma, until she wavers for the only time for the illusory deer of Maricha. One single break thus drags her down to Dashanana, the one who has no control of the senses, Ravana. Sugriva represents Viveka, which needs the support of Dharma to overpower the Aviveka of Vali. Hanuman represents the role of a Guru who connects Bhagawan with the Jiva and Dharma with the average Jiva and cleanses the Prajna. To defeat the RajoTamas of Ravana and Kumbhakarna, we see that Sattva grows over the side of Dharma in a supportive role as Vibhishana.

So what does a clever interpretation of Ramayana do to me? One must bridge the wisdom of the Itihasapuranas to a practical application for one to benefit. The hidden and esoteric ideas will have no effect unless we connect with this deep wisdom in our daily lives. So let us turn towards how this allegorical understanding can benefit us, without removing any of the historical Itihasa aspect of Ramayana.

Lesson 1 – How to lead our lives - Dasaratha shares half of the Payasam to Kausalya, the Pattamahishi to get Rama(Dharma) – (VR 1-16-27:29). He offered one fourth first to Sumitra and on second thoughts another eighth to her thus creating Lakshmana(Artha) and Shatrughna(Kama). But Kaikeyi rushes to consume her eighth portion as soon as Kausalya consumes to birth Bharata(Moksha). This has practical application in the emphasis that all Purusharthas emanate from and lead to a single source, Bhagawan.

    The second aspect to note is the ratio of these Purusharthas in our lives. Dharma is the foundation of lasting sukham and our spiritual wealth. Rama represents Dharma, a fact even a mortal enemy Maricha is aware and advises Ravana (रामो विग्रहवान् धर्मः raamaH vigrahavaan dharmaH VR 3-37-13). Based on the proportion of the Payasam, we human beings must devote 50% of our time and energies to the understanding, upholding and protection of Dharma. Kaikeyi shows us the correct way by fixing Bharata (Moksha) as immediate successor of Rama. It may need the same level of effort to pursue our Kama but the sequence of fixing Moksha as higher is crucial. Lakshmana represents one fourth of the energy, yet in the order of priority comes after Bharata.

    Another interesting aspect to note is Purusharthas naturally exist in pairs like ArthaKama and DharmaMoksha. But this order is broken up as it is not practical to derive the maximum benefit from such pairing. Artha must always be made to be subordinate of Dharma. If left alone or in any other combination, prosperity turns to corrupt power and can burn the society, a reason why Rama agreed to take Lakshmana to the forest. Kama has a legitimate place for expression, but shastras recommend a subdued approach, pegged to a higher purpose. Left alone to itself Kama can stand alone or with Artha but will eventually lead to self destruction without Dharma. Kama cannot be avoided completely. Though born alongside Artha, Kama has to be tamed by pegging it with Moksha.

    Dharma sets forth with Artha to the forest with the Jiva. When Bharata wants to join, Rama sends him back to Ayodhya. Bharata though he agrees to manage Ayodhya, decides to be rooted in Sadhana and Tapasya at Nandigram. Shatrughna whose nature is Kama but pegged to Moksha does all the actions. It is not coincidental to be named Shatrughna as he is averse to the worldly expressions of Kama and channelizes all his energy being rooted in Moksha.

    Another interesting lesson is the twins of ArthaKama must be separated with Dharma given dominance over Artha and Moksha over Kama. This way ArthaKama always remain productive and useful. If the only outlet of Kama is to stay pegged to Moksha, our lives don’t get mired in the world of Samsara. In the same way, though Artha is a powerful force to reckon, as long as it serves only Dharma its energies are redirected towards a superior purpose. There is an additional lesson that three fourths of our energies must be towards Dharma and Artha. The proceeds of Artha are not only for Kama, as we are used to nowadays, but also to support Dharma.

    If the Jiva/Prajna strays away from Dharma, it is bound to be snared into the world of lower values of Samsara dominated by objects of material attraction. Unless a Guru does the Purushakara of highlighting the Bhagawan/Dharma to the Jiva, there is no hope of escape.

    For long term prosperity, it is mandatory that all four Purusharthas reside together in harmony and in proper ratio. This is what we see in Rama Pattabhisheka. This is very crucial to understand, yet in our lives we are many times forced to pick one over the other. Is there any guideline for such a scenario? That’s the next lesson we derive.

Lesson 2 – Primacy among Purusharthas – Dharma’s destination, direction, purpose and culmination is Moksha. Hence for practical day today living DharmArthaKama only is considered for discussion. In our daily life, we encounter these separately or in some combination, pushing us to a predicament of choosing one over the other. Rama gives decisive insight when Lakshmana unable to control his anguish watching Kausalya’s pleading goes out making a strong case for Rama to stay in Ayodhya and taking over the reins. He gives crystal clear distilled wisdom in just two of the following verses - (धर्मार्थकामाः खलु तात लोके | समीक्षिता धर्मफलोदयेषु | ते तत्र सर्वे स्युरसंशयम् मे | भार्येव वश्याभिमता सुपुत्रा || dharmaarthakaamaaH khalu taat loke samiikshhitaaH dharmaphalodayeshhu | te tatra sarve syuH asamshayam me bhaaryeva vashyaa abhimataa suputraa || यस्मिंस्तु सर्वे स्युरसन्निविष्टा | धर्मो यतः स्यात् तदुपक्रमेत | द्वेष्यो भवत्यर्थपरो हि लोके | कामात्मता खल्वपि न प्रशस्ता ||Yasmin tu sarve syuH asannivishhTaaH dharmaH syaat tad upakrameta | devshhyaH bhavati arthaparaH hi loke kaamaatmata khaluapi na prashastaa || VR 2-21-56:57)

    The fruits of the previous abiding in actions of Dharma directly and certainly yield Dharma, Artha and Kama. This is akin to having a great wife (assumption is husband is rooted in Dharma also). Through her dharmic actions like charity, athithi seva etc is possible; she also is a beloved partner in the expressions of desire and ensures the continuity of the lineage with good children, thus realizing dharma-artha-kama for the husband.

    Only actions where there is a congruence of all the Purusharthas must be initiated. If there is no such confluence, then only actions rooted in Dharma must be initiated. The ones who are centered only on Artha pursuit become fit to be despised in this world. The ones rooted only in Kama are certainly not admirable.

Lesson 3 – Source of lasting sukham – Sita Rama samvada provides a deep insight into the source of lasting happiness. While we believe that material objects of pleasure yield pleasure and the lack of it, sorrow, our understanding is very superficial and hollow. On the eve of Rama’s decision to go to Dandakaranya to get rid of the rakshasas, Sita poses some insightful questions that trigger discussion. She also makes some empirical and categorical statements on Dharma.

    From Dharma originates Artha (Prosperity). From Dharma emanates lasting Sukham (Happiness/pleasure). From Dharma emanates everything. Probity is the essence of this Universe. धर्मात् अर्थः प्रभवति धर्मात् प्रभवते सुखम् | धर्मेण लभते सर्वम् धर्म सारम् इदम् जगत् || dharmaat arthaH prabhavati dharmaat prabhavate sukham | dharmeNa labhate sarvam dharma saaram idam jagat || (VR 3-9-30)

    Sita is of the firm conviction that Dharma is at the core of this Prapancha and from it emanates the other Purusharthas, namely Artha, Kama and Moksha. Hence Dharma is at the center of Rama’s life and a hint is provided for our life as well.

    The experts make efforts to exhaust their own selves with Principles to understand its sublimity. It is impossible to generate lasting sukham(pleasure) through comforts and objects of pleasure. आत्मानम् नियमैः तैः तैः कर्षयित्वा प्रयत्नतः | प्राप्यते निपुणैः धर्मो न सुखात् लभते सुखम् || aatmaanam niyamaiH taiH taiH karSayitvaa prayatnataH | praapyate ni puNaiH dharmaH na sukhaat labhyate sukham || (VR 3-9-31)

    Sita’s deep insight underlines that possessing objects of pleasure cannot yield long lasting sukham, as the cycles of life will make one lose the firm grip on these objects, thus making dukham (sorrow) inevitable. Contrary to Sukham generated in the above process through Kama, Dharma also generates Sukham besides Artha. These tend to have longevity as the Dharma that is upheld and protected continues to yield fruits.

    Though the primacy of Dharma is repeatedly reestablished through out Ramayana, we find ourselves again with the question of practicality, as our Dharma understanding is dwarfed in the Kali Yuga. We tend to give weightage to our desires, Kama or are in an endless pursuit of objects (Artha) and many times discard Dharma completely. Here is where Manusmriti comes to our rescue by declaring the need for all the three - Spiritual merit and wealth are called “good/superior”; or pleasure and wealth; or spiritual merit alone, or wealth alone is “good/superior”; but the truth is that it is the aggregate of the three. धर्मार्थावुच्यते श्रेयः कामार्थौ धर्म एव च । अर्थ एवैह वा श्रेयस्त्रिवर्ग इति तु स्थितिः ॥ dharmārthāvucyate śreyaḥ kāmārthau dharma eva ca | artha evaiha vā śreyastrivarga iti tu sthitiḥ || (Manusmriti 2-224)

    As all living beings are engaged in the constant, unending, relentless pursuit of Sukham, though with varied understanding, interpretations and expectations, we have now realized that Dharma is at the core and essence of Sukham. We equated Rama as Dharma in this interpretation. Let us finally cast our gaze upon the word Rama. The word "RAMA" itself means "Sarveshu Ramante iti Ramah (सर्वेषु रमंते इति रामः)" - that which everyone revels in. As we ponder deeply we discover the pure light of Consciousness, the Atman, the Self, the Atma Rama. Again this proved to us that Dharma is going to generate lasting Sukham, the natural aspiration of all Jivas. Rama Nama itself is so potent to turn us towards Dharma, realign our Gunas to more Sattvic and lead us out of this Samsara sagara. Let us do saranagati at the lotus feet of Bhagawan Shri Rama.

तत् सत